Monday, December 6, 2010

Liquid Diet Day 1


First I want to thank all of you for the kind e-mails and comments on my last post, that made me feel good :). Good to have a support group.

So I had a good weekend of eating haha. Had my "last meal" at Ruth Chris Steak House on Saturday, which was delicious! Also had my favorite Cheesy Mac & Rib from The Grilled Cheese Truck for lunch. I think I got all my favorite things out of my system. I started my liquid diet this morning. Not too bad so far. I'm not hungry.. just trying to keep my mind occupied so I don't think about food!

I had fun blending up my protein shake with my nifty new stick blender. It tasted kind of gross, but it's doable. I like the pre-mixed ones better, but it was hard to find ones that had the correct nutrition I needed. Also chewable vitamins are not pleasant either! Haha, but I got to eat Flinstones which made me excited.

Going to my last doctors appointment today to see what they have to say, and find out the time and place of my surgery. Hopefully it all goes smoothly, since I've been trying to get it all worked out since AUGUST. 

I weighed myself this morning so I can track my weight loss, I think I will post the pounds lost, instead of my weight here. I just don't feel like telling ya'll my weight! Well, maybe later, but not now.

Thanks again for all the kind words,

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